Package 'emplik'

Title: Empirical Likelihood Ratio for Censored/Truncated Data
Description: Empirical likelihood ratio tests and confidence intervals for means/quantiles/hazards from possibly censored and/or truncated data. In particular, the empirical likelihood for the Kaplan-Meier/Nelson-Aalen estimator. Now does AFT regression too.
Authors: Mai Zhou [aut, cre, cph], Yifan Yang [aut], Art Owen [aut]
Maintainer: Mai Zhou <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.3-2
Built: 2025-03-06 05:48:46 UTC

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Empirical likelihood for mean functional/hazard functional with possibly censored data.


Empirical likelihood ratio tests and confidence intervals for means/hazards from possibly censored and/or truncated data. In particular, empirical likelihood for the Kaplan-Meier/Nelson-Aalen estimators. Now does AFT regression too.


For non-censored data and mean parameters, use el.test( ).

For censored data and mean parameters, use el.cen.EM2( ).

For censored data and hazard parameters, use emplikH1.test( ) [Poisson type likelihood]; use emplikH.disc( ) [binomial type likelihood].

For constructing confidence intervals from likelihood ratio, use findUL( ).


Mai Zhou. (el.test( ) is adapted from Owen's splus code elm. Yifan Yang for some C code.)

Maintainer: Mai Zhou <[email protected]>


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. (Chapman and Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series) CRC press 2016

See Also

Another R package kmc for possible faster results when testing mean functional with right censored data.

The Buckley-James censored regression estimator


Compute the Buckley-James estimator in the regression model

yi=βxi+ϵiy_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i

with right censored yiy_i. Iteration method.


BJnoint(x, y, delta, beta0 = NA, maxiter=30, error = 0.00001)



a matrix or vector containing the covariate, one row per observation.


a numeric vector of length N, censored responses.


a vector of length N, delta=0/1 for censored/uncensored.


an optional vector for starting value of iteration.


an optional integer to control iterations.


an optional positive value to control iterations.


This function compute the Buckley-James estimator when your model do not have an intercept term. Of course, if you include a column of 1's in the x matrix, it is also OK with this function and it is equivalent to having an intercept term. If your model do have an intercept term, then you could also use the function bj( ) in the Design library. It should be more refined than BJnoint in the stopping rule for the iterations. However, the variance estimator bj( ) provided is not consistent.

This function is included here mainly to produce the estimator value that may provide some useful information with the function bjtest( ). For example you may want to test a beta value near the Buckley-James estimator.


A list with the following components:


the Buckley-James estimator.


number of iterations performed.


Mai Zhou.


Buckley, J. and James, I. (1979). Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika, 66 429-36.

Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Publishing.


x <- matrix(c(rnorm(50,mean=1), rnorm(50,mean=2)), ncol=2,nrow=50)
## Suppose now we wish to test Ho: 2mu(1)-mu(2)=0, then
y <- 2*x[,1]-x[,2]
xx <- c(28,-44,29,30,26,27,22,23,33,16,24,29,24,40,21,31,34,-2,25,19)

Test the Buckley-James estimator by Empirical Likelihood


Use the empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d=1logΔF(ei)+d=0log[1F(ei)];\sum_{d=1} \log \Delta F(e_i) + \sum_{d=0} \log [1-F(e_i)];

where eie_i are the residuals.


bjtest(y, d, x, beta)



a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector (length N) of either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored; d=0 means y is right censored.


a matrix of size N by q.


a vector of length q. The value of the regression coefficient to be tested in the model yi=βxi+ϵiy_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i


The above likelihood should be understood as the likelihood of the error term, so in the regression model the error epsilon should be iid.

This version can handle the model where beta is a vector (of length q).

The estimation equations used when maximize the empirical likelihood is

0=diΔF(ei)(xm[,i])/(nwi)0 = \sum d_i \Delta F(e_i) (x \cdot m[,i])/(n w_i)

which was described in detail in the reference below.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; have approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the log empirical likelihood, under estimating equation.


the log empirical likelihood of the Kaplan-Meier of e's.


the probabilities that max the empirical likelihood under estimating equation.


Mai Zhou.


Buckley, J. and James, I. (1979). Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika, 66 429-36.

Zhou, M. and Li, G. (2008). Empirical likelihood analysis of the Buckley-James estimator. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 99, 649-664.

Zhou, M. (2016) Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.


xx <- c(28,-44,29,30,26,27,22,23,33,16,24,29,24,40,21,31,34,-2,25,19)

Test the Buckley-James estimator by Empirical Likelihood, 1-dim only


Use the empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta. For 1-dim beta only.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d=1logΔF(ei)+d=0log[1F(ei)].\sum_{d=1} \log \Delta F(e_i) + \sum_{d=0} \log [1-F(e_i)] .


bjtest1d(y, d, x, beta)



a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector of either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored. d=0 means y is right censored.


a vector of length N, covariate.


a number. the regression coefficient to be tested in the model y = x beta + epsilon


In the above likelihood, ei=yixbetae_i = y_i - x * beta is the residuals.

Similar to bjtest( ), but only for 1-dim beta.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; have approximate chi square distribution under HoH_o.


the log empirical likelihood, under estimating equation.


the log empirical likelihood of the Kaplan-Meier of e's.


the probabilities that max the empirical likelihood under estimating equation constraint.


Mai Zhou.


Buckley, J. and James, I. (1979). Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika, 66 429-36.

Owen, A. (1990). Empirical likelihood ratio confidence regions. Ann. Statist. 18 90-120.

Zhou, M. and Li, G. (2008). Empirical likelihood analysis of the Buckley-James estimator. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 649-664.


xx <- c(28,-44,29,30,26,27,22,23,33,16,24,29,24,40,21,31,34,-2,25,19)

Alternative test of the Buckley-James estimator by Empirical Likelihood


Use the empirical likelihood ratio (alternative form) and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta, based on the estimating equations.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

logEL=j=1nlogpj; pj=1\log EL = \sum_{j=1}^n \log p_j ; ~ \sum p_j =1

where the probability pjp_j is for the jth martingale differences of the estimating equations.


bjtestII(y, d, x, beta)



a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector of length N. Either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored; d=0 means y is right censored.


a matrix of size N by q.


a vector of length q. The value of the regression coefficient to be tested in the model Yi=βxi+ϵiY_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i


The above likelihood should be understood as the likelihood of the martingale difference terms. For the definition of the Buckley-James martingale or the related estimating equation, please see the (2016) book in the reference list below.

The estimation equations used when maximize the empirical likelihood is

0=diΔF(ei)(xm[,i])/(nwi)0 = \sum d_i \Delta F(e_i) (x \cdot m[,i])/(n w_i)

where eie_i is the residuals, other details are described in the reference book of 2015 below.

The final test is carried out by el.test. So the output is similar to the output of el.test.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; have approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the log empirical likelihood, under estimating equation.


the log empirical likelihood of the Kaplan-Meier of e's.


the probabilities that max the empirical likelihood under estimating equation.


Mai Zhou.


Zhou, M. (2016) Empirical Likelihood Methods in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.

Buckley, J. and James, I. (1979). Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika, 66 429-36.

Zhou, M. and Li, G. (2008). Empirical likelihood analysis of the Buckley-James estimator. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 649–664.

Zhu, H. (2007) Smoothed Empirical Likelihood for Quantiles and Some Variations/Extension of Empirical Likelihood for Buckley-James Estimator, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kentucky.


bjtestII(y=myeloma[,1], d=myeloma[,2], x=cbind(1, myeloma[,3]), beta=c(37, -3.4))

Empirical likelihood ratio for mean with right, left or doubly censored data, by EM algorithm


This program uses EM algorithm to compute the maximized (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood function for right, left or doubly censored data with the MEAN constraint:

di=1pif(xi)=f(t)dF(t)=μ.\sum_{d_i=1} p_i f(x_i) = \int f(t) dF(t) = \mu .

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability, did_i is the censoring indicator, 1(uncensored), 0(right censored), 2(left censored). It also returns those pip_i.

The empirical log likelihood been maximized is

di=1logΔF(xi)+di=0log[1F(xi)]+di=2logF(xi).\sum_{d_i=1} \log \Delta F(x_i) + \sum_{d_i=0} \log [1-F(x_i)] + \sum_{d_i=2} \log F(x_i) .





a vector containing the observed survival times.


a vector containing the censoring indicators, 1-uncensored; 0-right censored; 2-left censored.


a weight vector (case weight). positive. same length as d


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the mean as in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t. Default to the identity function f(t)=tf(t)=t.


a real number used in the constraint, the mean value of f(X)f(X).


an optional integer, used to control maximum number of iterations.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error. This is the bound of the L1L_1 norm of the difference of two successive weights.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


This implementation is all in R and have several for-loops in it. A faster version would use C to do the for-loop part. But this version seems faster enough and is easier to port to Splus.

We return the log likelihood all the time. Sometimes, (for right censored and no censor case) we also return the -2 log likelihood ratio. In other cases, you have to plot a curve with many values of the parameter, mu, to find out where is the place the log likelihood becomes maximum. And from there you can get -2 log likelihood ratio between the maximum location and your current parameter in Ho.

In order to get a proper distribution as NPMLE, we automatically change the dd for the largest observation to 1 (even if it is right censored), similar for the left censored, smallest observation. μ\mu is a given constant. When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop. The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio should be infinite.

The constant mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE —

di=1pi0f(xi)\sum_{d_i=1} p_i^0 f(x_i)

pi0p_i^0 taken to be the jumps of the NPMLE of CDF. Or use a different fun.

Difference to the function el.cen.EM2: here duplicate (input) observations are collapsed (with weight 2, 3, ... etc.) but those will stay separate by default in the el.cen.EM2. This will lead to a different loglik value. But the -2LLR value should be same in either version.


A list with the following components:


the maximized empirical log likelihood under the constraint. This may be different from the result of el.cen.EM2 because here the tied observations are collapes into 1 with weight. (while el.cen.EM2 do not). However, the -2LLR should be the same.


locations of CDF that have positive mass. tied obs. are collapesd


the jump size of CDF at those locations.


If available, it is Minus two times the Empirical Log Likelihood Ratio. Should be approximately chi-square distributed under Ho.


The P-value of the test, using chi-square approximation.


The Lagrange multiplier. Added 5/2007.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrary censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 643-656.

Murphy, S. and van der Vaart (1997) Semiparametric likelihood ratio inference. Ann. Statist. 25, 1471-1509.


## example with tied observations
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,   1)
## we should get "-2LLR" = 1.2466....
myfun5 <- function(x, theta, eps) {
u <- (x-theta)*sqrt(5)/eps 
INDE <- (u < sqrt(5)) & (u > -sqrt(5)) 
u[u >= sqrt(5)] <- 0 
u[u <= -sqrt(5)] <- 1 
y <- 0.5 - (u - (u)^3/15)*3/(4*sqrt(5)) 
u[ INDE ] <- y[ INDE ] 
el.cen.EM(x, d, fun=myfun5, mu=0.5, theta=3.5, eps=0.1)
## example of using wt in the input. Since the x-vector contain
## two 5 (both d=1), and two 2(both d=0), we can also do
xx <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 1, 4.5)
dd <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,   1)
wt <- c(1,   1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1,   1)
el.cen.EM(x=xx, d=dd, wt=wt, mu=3.5)
## this should be the same as the first example.

Empirical likelihood ratio test for a vector of means with right, left or doubly censored data, by EM algorithm


This function is similar to el.cen.EM(), but for multiple constraints. In the input there is a vector of observations x=(x1,,xn)x = (x_1, \cdots , x_n) and a function fun. The function fun should return the (n by k) matrix

(f1(x),f2(x),,fk(x)).( f_1(x), f_2(x), \cdots, f_k (x) ) .

Also, the ordering of the observations, when consider censoring or redistributing-to-the-right, is according to the value of x, not fun(x). So the probability distribution is for values x. This program uses EM algorithm to maximize (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood function for right, left or doubly censored data with the MEAN constraint:

j=1,2,,k    di=1pifj(xi)=fj(t)dF(t)=μj .j = 1,2, \cdots ,k ~~~~ \sum_{d_i=1} p_i f_j(x_i) = \int f_j(t) dF(t) = \mu_j ~.

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability, did_i is the censoring indicator, 1(uncensored), 0(right censored), 2(left censored). It also returns those pip_i. The log likelihood function is defined as

di=1logΔF(xi)+di=2logF(xi)+di=0log[1F(xi)] .\sum_{d_i=1} \log \Delta F(x_i) + \sum_{d_i=2} \log F(x_i) + \sum_{d_i=0} \log [ 1-F(x_i)] ~.





a vector containing the observed survival times.


a vector containing the censoring indicators, 1-uncensored; 0-right censored; 2-left censored.


an optional vector of collapsing control values. If xc[i] xc[j] have different values then (x[i], d[i]), (x[j], d[j]) will not merge into one observation with weight two, even if they are identical. Default is not to merge.


a left continuous (weight) function that returns a matrix. The columns (=k) of the matrix is used to calculate the means and will be tested in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t.


a vector of length k. Used in the constraint, as the mean of f(X)f(X).


an optional integer, used to control maximum number of iterations.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error. This is the bound of the L1L_1 norm of the difference of two successive weights.


additional inputs to pass to fun().


This implementation is all in R and have several for-loops in it. A faster version would use C to do the for-loop part. (but this version is easier to port to Splus, and seems faster enough).

We return the log likelihood all the time. Sometimes, (for right censored and no censor case) we also return the -2 log likelihood ratio. In other cases, you have to plot a curve with many values of the parameter, mu, to find out where the log likelihood becomes maximum. And from there you can get -2 log likelihood ratio between the maximum location and your current parameter in Ho.

In order to get a proper distribution as NPMLE, we automatically change the dd for the largest observation to 1 (even if it is right censored), similar for the left censored, smallest observation. μ\mu is a given constant vector. When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop. The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio should be infinite.

The constant vector mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE —

μ^j=di=1pi0fj(xi)\hat \mu _j = \sum_{d_i=1} p_i^0 f_j(x_i)

where pi0p_i^0 taken to be the jumps of the NPMLE of CDF. Or use a different fun.

Difference to the function el.cen.EM: due to the introduction of input xc here in this function, the output loglik may be different compared to the function el.cen.EM due to not collapsing of duplicated input survival values. The -2LLR should be the same from both functions.


A list with the following components:


the maximized empirical log likelihood under the constraints.


locations of CDF that have positive mass.


the jump size of CDF at those locations.


If available, it is Minus two times the Empirical Log Likelihood Ratio. Should be approx. chi-square distributed under Ho.


If available, the P-value of the test, using chi-square approximation.


the Lagrange multiplier in the final EM step. (the M-step)


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrary censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 643-656.

Zhou, M. (2002). Computing censored empirical likelihood ratio by EM algorithm. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


## censored regression with one right censored observation.
## we check the estimation equation, with the MLE inside myfun7. 
y <- c(3, 5.3, 6.4, 9.1, 14.1, 15.4, 18.1, 15.3, 14, 5.8, 7.3, 14.4)
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2,   3,   4,    5,    6,    5,    4,  1,   2,   4.5)
d <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
### first we estimate beta, the MLE
lm.wfit(x=cbind(rep(1,12),x), y=y, w=WKM(x=y, d=d)$jump[rank(y)])$coef
## you should get 1.392885 and 2.845658
## then define myfun7 with the MLE value
myfun7 <- function(y, xmat) {
temp1 <- y - ( 1.392885 +  2.845658 * xmat)
return( cbind( temp1, xmat*temp1) )
## now test 
el.cen.EM2(y,d, fun=myfun7, mu=c(0,0), xmat=x)
## we should get, Pval = 1 , as the MLE should.
## for other values of (a, b) inside myfun7, you get other Pval
rqfun1 <- function(y, xmat, beta, tau = 0.5) {
temp1 <- tau - (1-myfun55(y-beta*xmat))
return(xmat * temp1)
myfun55 <- function(x, eps=0.001){
u <- x*sqrt(5)/eps
INDE <- (u < sqrt(5)) & (u > -sqrt(5))
u[u >= sqrt(5)] <- 0
u[u <= -sqrt(5)] <- 1
y <- 0.5 - (u - (u)^3/15)*3/(4*sqrt(5))
u[ INDE ] <- y[ INDE ]
## myfun55 is a smoothed indicator fn. 
## eps should be between (1/sqrt(n), 1/n^0.75) [Chen and Hall]
## default tau=0.5 
### next 2 examples are testing the mean/median residual time
mygfun <- function(s, age, muage) {as.numeric(s >= age)*(s-(age+muage))}
mygfun2 <- function(s, age, Mdage) 
          {as.numeric(s <= (age+Mdage)) - 0.5*as.numeric(s <= age)}
## Not run: 
time <- cancer$time
status <- cancer$status-1
###for mean residual time 
el.cen.EM2(x=time, d=status, fun=mygfun, mu=0, age=365.25, muage=234)$Pval
el.cen.EM2(x=time, d=status, fun=mygfun, mu=0, age=365.25, muage=323)$Pval
### for median resudual time
el.cen.EM2(x=time, d=status, fun=mygfun2, mu=0.5, age=365.25, Mdage=184)$Pval
el.cen.EM2(x=time, d=status, fun=mygfun2, mu=0.5, age=365.25, Mdage=321)$Pval

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
#### For right censor only data (Kaplan-Meier) we can use this function to get a faster computation
#### by calling the kmc 0.2-2 package.
el.cen.R <- function (x, d, xc = 1:length(x), fun, mu, error = 1e-09, ...)
xvec <- as.vector(x)
d <- as.vector(d)
mu <- as.vector(mu)
xc <- as.vector(xc)
n <- length(d)
if (length(xvec) != n)
stop("length of d and x must agree")
if (length(xc) != n)
stop("length of xc and d must agree")
if (n <= 2 * length(mu) + 1)
stop("Need more observations")
if (any((d != 0) & (d != 1) ))
stop("d must be 0(right-censored) or 1(uncensored)")
if (!is.numeric(xvec))
stop("x must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(mu))
stop("mu must be numeric")

funx <- as.matrix(fun(xvec, ...))
pp <- ncol(funx)
if (length(mu) != pp)
stop("length of mu and ncol of fun(x) must agree")
temp <- Wdataclean5(z = xvec, d, zc = xc, xmat = funx)
x <- temp$value
d <- temp$dd
w <- temp$weight
funx <- temp$xxmat
d[length(d)] <- 1
xd1 <- x[d == 1]
if (length(xd1) <= 1)
stop("need more distinct uncensored obs.")
funxd1 <- funx[d == 1, ]
xd0 <- x[d == 0]
wd1 <- w[d == 1]
wd0 <- w[d == 0]
m <- length(xd0)

pnew <- NA
num <- NA
if (m > 0) {
gfun <- function(x) { return( fun(x, ...) - mu ) }
temp <- kmc.solve(x=x, d=d, g=list(gfun))
logel <- temp$loglik.h0
logel00 <- temp$loglik.null
lam <- - temp$lambda
if (m == 0) {
num <- 0
temp6 <- el.test.wt2(x = funxd1, wt = wd1, mu)
pnew <- temp6$prob
lam <- temp6$lambda
logel <- sum(wd1 * log(pnew))
logel00 <- sum(wd1 * log(wd1/sum(wd1)))
tval <- 2 * (logel00 - logel)
list(loglik = logel, times = xd1, prob = pnew, lam = lam,
iters = num, `-2LLR` = tval, Pval = 1 - pchisq(tval,
df = length(mu)))

## End(Not run)

Empirical likelihood ratio for 1 mean constraint with right censored data


This program uses a fast recursive formula to compute the maximized (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood ratio for right censored data with one MEAN constraint:

di=1pif(xi)=f(t)dF(t)=μ.\sum_{d_i=1} p_i f(x_i) = \int f(t) dF(t) = \mu .

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability, did_i is the censoring indicator, 1(uncensored), 0(right censored). It also returns those pip_i.

The empirical log likelihood been maximized is

di=1logΔF(xi)+di=0log[1F(xi)].\sum_{d_i=1} \log \Delta F(x_i) + \sum_{d_i=0} \log [1-F(x_i)] .


el.cen.kmc1d(x, d, fun, mu, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, step=0.001, ...)



a vector containing the observed survival times.


a vector containing the censoring indicators, 1-uncensored; 0-right censored.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the mean as in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t.


a real number used in the constraint, the mean value of f(X)f(X).


a small positive number, for the uniroot error tol.


a small positive number, for use in the uniroot function (as interval) to find lambda root. Sometimes uniroot will find the wrong root or no root, resulting a negative "-2LLR" or NA. Change the step to a different value often can fix this (but not always). Another sign of wrong root is that the sum of probabilities not sum to one, or has negative probability values.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


This function is similar to the function in package kmc, but much simpler, i.e. all implemented in R and only for one mean constraint. This implementation have two for-loops in R. A faster version would use C to do the for-loop part. But this version seems fast enough and is easier to port to other languages.

We return the log likelihood all the time. Sometimes, (for right censored case) we also return the -2 log likelihood ratio. In other cases, you have to plot a curve with many values of the parameter, mu, to find out where is the place the log likelihood becomes maximum. And from there you can get -2 log likelihood ratio between the maximum location and your current parameter in Ho.

The input step is used in uniroot function to find a root of lambda. Sometimes a step value may lead to no root or result in a wrong root. You may try several values for the step to see. If the probabilities returned do not sum to one, then the lambda root is a wrong root. We want the root closest to zero.

In order to get a proper distribution as NPMLE, we automatically change the dd for the largest observation to 1 (even if it is right censored). μ\mu is a given constant. When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop or return something ridiculas, (as negative -2LLR). The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio may be +infinite.

The constant mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) (with uncensored xix_i) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE —

di=1pi0f(xi)\sum_{d_i=1} p_i^0 f(x_i)

pi0p_i^0 taken to be the jumps of the NPMLE of CDF. Or use a different fun.


A list with the following components:


the maximized empirical log likelihood under the constraint. Note, here the tied observations are not collapsed into one obs. with weight 2 (as in el.cen.EM), so the value may differ from those that do collapse the tied obs. In any case, the -2LLR should not differ (whether collaps or not).


locations of CDF that have positive mass.


the jump size of CDF at those locations.


If available, it is minus two times the empirical Log Likelihood Ratio. Should be approximately chi-square distributed under Ho. If you got NA or negative value, then something is wrong, most likely the uniroot has found the wrong root. Suggest: use el.cen.EM2() which uses EM algorithm. It is more stable but slower.


The P-value of the test, using chi-square approximation.


The Lagrange multiplier.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. and Yang, Y. (2015). A recursive formula for the Kaplan-Meier estimator with mean constraints and its application to empirical likelihood. Computational Statistics Vol. 30, Issue 4 pp. 1097-1109.

Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrary censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(3), 643-656.


x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4.2, 5, 6.1, 5.3, 4.5, 0.9, 2.1, 4.3)
d <- c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
ff <- function(x) {
    x - 3.7
el.cen.kmc1d(x=x, d=d, fun=ff, mu=0)

Empirical likelihood ratio for mean with right censored data, by QP.


This program computes the maximized (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood function for right censored data with the MEAN constraint:

i[dipig(xi)]=g(t)dF(t)=μ\sum_i [ d_i p_i g(x_i) ] = \int g(t) dF(t) = \mu

where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability, did_i is the censoring indicator. The dd for the largest observation is always taken to be 1. It then computes the -2 log empirical likelihood ratio which should be approximately chi-square distributed if the constraint is true. Here F(t)F(t) is the (unknown) CDF; g(t)g(t) can be any given left continuous function in tt. μ\mu is a given constant. The data must contain some right censored observations. If there is no censoring or the only censoring is the largest observation, the code will stop and we should use el.test( ) which is for uncensored data.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

di=1logΔF(xi)+di=0log[1F(xi)].\sum_{d_i=1} \log \Delta F(x_i) + \sum_{d_i=0} \log [ 1-F(x_i) ].





a vector containing the observed survival times.


a vector containing the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the mean as in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t. Default to the identity function f(t)=tf(t)=t.


a real number used in the constraint, sum to this value.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error in the QP. This is the bound of the L1L_1 norm of the difference of two successive weights.


an optional integer, used to control maximum number of iterations.


When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop. The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio should be infinite.

The constant mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation cannot continue, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE, or use a different fun.

This function depends on Wdataclean2(), WKM() and solve3.QP()

This function uses sequential Quadratic Programming to find the maximum. Unlike other functions in this package, it can be slow for larger sample sizes. It took about one minute for a sample of size 2000 with 20% censoring on a 1GHz, 256MB PC, about 19 seconds on a 3 GHz 512MB PC.


A list with the following components:


The -2Log Likelihood ratio.


the location of the CDF jumps.


the jump size of CDF at those locations.




the L1L_1 norm between the last two wts.


number of iterations carried out


Mai Zhou, Kun Chen


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (1999). Using 1-parameter sub-family of distributions in empirical likelihood ratio with censored data. J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 75, 379-392.

Chen, K. and Zhou, M. (2000). Computing censored empirical likelihood ratio using Quadratic Programming. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics

Zhou, M. and Chen, K. (2007). Computation of the empirical likelihood ratio from censored data. Journal of Statistical Computing and Simulation, 77, 1033-1042.


el.cen.test(rexp(100), c(rep(0,25),rep(1,75)), mu=1.5)
## second example with tied observations
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,   1)
# we should get  "-2LLR" = 1.246634  etc.

Empirical likelihood ratio for mean with left truncated and right censored data, by EM algorithm


This program uses EM algorithm to compute the maximized (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood function for left truncated and right censored data with the MEAN constraint:

di=1pif(xi)=f(t)dF(t)=μ .\sum_{d_i=1} p_i f(x_i) = \int f(t) dF(t) = \mu ~.

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability, did_i is the censoring indicator, 1(uncensored), 0(right censored). The dd for the largest observation xx, is always (automatically) changed to 1. μ\mu is a given constant. This function also returns those pip_i.

The log empirical likelihood function been maximized is

di=1logΔF(xi)1F(yi)+di=0log1F(xi)1F(yi).\sum_{d_i=1} \log \frac{ \Delta F(x_i)}{1-F(y_i)} + \sum_{d_i=0} \log \frac{1-F(x_i)}{1-F(y_i)}.





an optional vector containing the observed left truncation times.


a vector containing the censored survival times.


a vector containing the censoring indicators, 1-uncensored; 0-right censored.


a continuous (weight) function used to calculate the mean as in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t. Default to the identity function f(t)=tf(t)=t.


a real number used in the constraint, mean value of f(X)f(X).


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error. This is the bound of the L1L_1 norm of the difference of two successive weights.


an optional integer, used to control maximum number of iterations.


We return the -2 log likelihood ratio, and the constrained NPMLE of CDF. The un-constrained NPMLE should be WJT or Lynden-Bell estimator.

When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop. The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio should be infinite.

The constant mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE —

di=1pi0f(xi)\sum_{d_i=1} p_i^0 f(x_i)

pi0p_i^0 taken to be the jumps of the NPMLE of CDF. Or use a different fun.

This implementation is all in R and have several for-loops in it. A faster version would use C to do the for-loop part. (but this version is easier to port to Splus, and seems faster enough).


A list with the following components:


locations of CDF that have positive mass.


the probability of the constrained NPMLE of CDF at those locations.


It is Minus two times the Empirical Log Likelihood Ratio. Should be approximate chi-square distributed under Ho.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2002). Computing censored and truncated empirical likelihood ratio by EM algorithm. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics

Tsai, W. Y., Jewell, N. P., and Wang, M. C. (1987). A note on product-limit estimator under right censoring and left truncation. Biometrika, 74, 883-886.

Turnbbull, B. (1976). The empirical distribution function with arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data. JRSS B, 290-295.

Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrarily censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 14, 643-656.


## example with tied observations
y <- c(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,   1)
ypsy <- c(51, 58, 55, 28, 25, 48, 47, 25, 31, 30, 33, 43, 45, 35, 36)
xpsy <- c(52, 59, 57, 50, 57, 59, 61, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 69, 65, 76)
dpsy <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 )

Empirical likelihood ratio test for the means, uncensored data


Compute the empirical likelihood ratio with the mean vector fixed at mu.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

i=1nlogΔF(xi).\sum_{i=1}^n \log \Delta F(x_i).


el.test(x, mu, lam, maxit=25, gradtol=1e-7, 
                 svdtol = 1e-9, itertrace=FALSE)



a matrix or vector containing the data, one row per observation.


a numeric vector (of length = ncol(x)) to be tested as the mean vector of x above, as H0H_0.


an optional vector of length = length(mu), the starting value of Lagrange multipliers, will use 00 if missing.


an optional integer to control iteration when solve constrained maximization.


an optional real value for convergence test.


an optional real value to detect singularity while solve equations.


a logical value. If the iteration history needs to be printed out.


If mu is in the interior of the convex hull of the observations x, then wts should sum to n. If mu is outside the convex hull then wts should sum to nearly zero, and -2LLR will be a large positive number. It should be infinity, but for inferential purposes a very large number is essentially equivalent. If mu is on the boundary of the convex hull then wts should sum to nearly k where k is the number of observations within that face of the convex hull which contains mu.

When mu is interior to the convex hull, it is typical for the algorithm to converge quadratically to the solution, perhaps after a few iterations of searching to get near the solution. When mu is outside or near the boundary of the convex hull, then the solution involves a lambda of infinite norm. The algorithm tends to nearly double lambda at each iteration and the gradient size then decreases roughly by half at each iteration.

The goal in writing the algorithm was to have it “fail gracefully" when mu is not inside the convex hull. The user can either leave -2LLR “large and positive" or can replace it by infinity when the weights do not sum to nearly n.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the observed P-value by chi-square approximation.


the final value of Lagrange multiplier.


the gradient at the maximum.


the Hessian matrix.


weights on the observations


number of iteration performed


Original Splus code by Art Owen. Adapted to R by Mai Zhou.


Owen, A. (1990). Empirical likelihood ratio confidence regions. Ann. Statist. 18, 90-120.


x <- matrix(c(rnorm(50,mean=1), rnorm(50,mean=2)), ncol=2,nrow=50)
el.test(x, mu=c(1,2))
## Suppose now we wish to test Ho: 2mu(1)-mu(2)=0, then
y <- 2*x[,1]-x[,2]
el.test(y, mu=0)
xx <- c(28,-44,29,30,26,27,22,23,33,16,24,29,24,40,21,31,34,-2,25,19)
el.test(xx, mu=15)  #### -2LLR = 1.805702

Weighted Empirical Likelihood ratio for mean, uncensored data


This program is similar to el.test( ) except it takes weights, and is for one dimensional mu.

The mean constraint considered is:

i=1npixi=μ.\sum_{i=1}^n p_i x_i = \mu .

where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability. Plus the probability constraint: pi=1\sum p_i =1.

The weighted log empirical likelihood been maximized is

i=1nwilogpi.\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log p_i.


el.test.wt(x, wt, mu, usingC=TRUE)



a vector containing the observations.


a vector containing the weights.


a real number used in the constraint, weighted mean value of f(X)f(X).


TRUE: use C function, which may be benifit when sample size is large; FALSE: use pure R function.


This function used to be an internal function. It becomes external because others may find it useful elsewhere.

The constant mu must be inside (minxi,maxxi)( \min x_i , \max x_i ) for the computation to continue.


A list with the following components:


the observations.


the vector of weights.


The probabilities that maximized the weighted empirical likelihood under mean constraint.


Mai Zhou, Y.F. Yang for C part.


Owen, A. (1990). Empirical likelihood ratio confidence regions. Ann. Statist. 18, 90-120.

Zhou, M. (2002). Computing censored empirical likelihood ratio by EM algorithm. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


## example with tied observations
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,   1)
## we should get "-2LLR" = 1.2466....
myfun5 <- function(x, theta, eps) {
u <- (x-theta)*sqrt(5)/eps 
INDE <- (u < sqrt(5)) & (u > -sqrt(5)) 
u[u >= sqrt(5)] <- 0 
u[u <= -sqrt(5)] <- 1 
y <- 0.5 - (u - (u)^3/15)*3/(4*sqrt(5)) 
u[ INDE ] <- y[ INDE ] 
el.cen.EM(x, d, fun=myfun5, mu=0.5, theta=3.5, eps=0.1)

Weighted Empirical Likelihood ratio for mean(s), uncensored data


This program is similar to el.test( ) except it takes weights.

The mean constraints are:

i=1npixi=μ.\sum_{i=1}^n p_i x_i = \mu .

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability. Plus the probability constraint: pi=1\sum p_i =1.

The weighted log empirical likelihood been maximized is

i=1nwilogpi.\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log p_i.


el.test.wt2(x, wt, mu, maxit = 25, gradtol = 1e-07, Hessian = FALSE, 
    svdtol = 1e-09, itertrace = FALSE)



a matrix (of size nxp) or vector containing the observations.


a vector of length n, containing the weights. If weights are all 1, this is very simila to el.test. wt have to be positive.


a vector of length p, used in the constraint. weighted mean value of f(X)f(X).


an integer, the maximum number of iteration.


a positive real number, the tolerance for a solution


logical. if the Hessian needs to be computed?


tolerance in perform SVD of the Hessian matrix.


TRUE/FALSE, if the intermediate steps needs to be printed.


This function used to be an internal function. It becomes external because others may find it useful.

It is similar to the function el.test( ) with the following differences:

(1) The output lambda in el.test.wts, when divided by n (the sample size or sum of all the weights) should be equal to the output lambda in el.test.

(2) The Newton step of iteration in el.test.wts is different from those in el.test. (even when all the weights are one).


A list with the following components:


the Lagrange multiplier. Solution.


the vector of weights.


The gradian at the final solution.


number of iterations performed.


The probabilities that maximized the weighted empirical likelihood under mean constraint.


Mai Zhou


Owen, A. (1990). Empirical likelihood ratio confidence regions. Ann. Statist. 18, 90-120.

Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrary censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 643-656.

Zhou, M. (2002). Computing censored empirical likelihood ratio by EM algorithm. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


## example with tied observations
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,   1)
## we should get "-2LLR" = 1.2466....
myfun5 <- function(x, theta, eps) {
u <- (x-theta)*sqrt(5)/eps 
INDE <- (u < sqrt(5)) & (u > -sqrt(5)) 
u[u >= sqrt(5)] <- 0 
u[u <= -sqrt(5)] <- 1 
y <- 0.5 - (u - (u)^3/15)*3/(4*sqrt(5)) 
u[ INDE ] <- y[ INDE ] 
el.cen.EM(x, d, fun=myfun5, mu=0.5, theta=3.5, eps=0.1)

Empirical likelihood ratio for mean with left truncated data


This program uses EM algorithm to compute the maximized (wrt pip_i) empirical log likelihood function for left truncated data with the MEAN constraint:

pif(xi)=f(t)dF(t)=μ .\sum p_i f(x_i) = \int f(t) dF(t) = \mu ~.

Where pi=ΔF(xi)p_i = \Delta F(x_i) is a probability. μ\mu is a given constant. It also returns those pip_i and the pip_i without constraint, the Lynden-Bell estimator.

The log likelihood been maximized is

i=1nlogΔF(xi)1F(yi).\sum_{i=1}^n \log \frac{\Delta F(x_i)}{1-F(y_i)} .





a vector containing the left truncation times.


a vector containing the survival times. truncation means x>y.


a continuous (weight) function used to calculate the mean as in H0H_0. fun(t) must be able to take a vector input t. Default to the identity function f(t)=tf(t)=t.


a real number used in the constraint, mean value of f(X)f(X).


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error. This is the bound of the L1L_1 norm of the difference of two successive weights.


an optional integer, used to control maximum number of iterations.


This implementation is all in R and have several for-loops in it. A faster version would use C to do the for-loop part. But it seems faster enough and is easier to port to Splus.

When the given constants μ\mu is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no distribution satisfy the constraint. In this case the computation will stop. The -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio should be infinite.

The constant mu must be inside (minf(xi),maxf(xi))( \min f(x_i) , \max f(x_i) ) for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the mu closer to the NPMLE —

di=1pi0f(xi)\sum_{d_i=1} p_i^0 f(x_i)

pi0p_i^0 taken to be the jumps of the NPMLE of CDF. Or use a different fun.


A list with the following components:


the maximized empirical log likelihood ratio under the constraint.


jumps of NPMLE of CDF at ordered x.


same jumps but for constrained NPMLE.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood ratio with arbitrary censored/truncated data by EM algorithm. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 643-656.

Li, G. (1995). Nonparametric likelihood ratio estimation of probabilities for truncated data. JASA 90, 997-1003.

Turnbull (1976). The empirical distribution function with arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data. JRSS B 38, 290-295.


## example with tied observations
vet <- c(30, 384, 4, 54, 13, 123, 97, 153, 59, 117, 16, 151, 22, 56, 21, 18,
         139, 20, 31, 52, 287, 18, 51, 122, 27, 54, 7, 63, 392, 10)
vetstart <- c(0,60,0,0,0,33,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
el.trun.test(vetstart, vet, mu=80, maxit=15)

Empirical likelihood ratio for discrete hazard with right censored, left truncated data


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

i[f(xi,θ)log(1dH(xi))]=K\sum_i[f(x_i, \theta) \log(1- dH(x_i))] = K

where H(t)H(t) is the (unknown) discrete cumulative hazard function; f(t,θ)f(t,\theta) can be any predictable function of tt. θ\theta is the parameter of the function and K is a given constant. The data can be right censored and left truncated.

When the given constants θ\theta and/or K are too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no hazard function satisfy this constraint and the minus 2Log empirical likelihood ratio will be infinite. In this case the computation will stop.


emplikH.disc(x, d, y= -Inf, K, fun, tola=.Machine$double.eps^.25, theta)



a vector, the observed survival times.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a real number used in the constraint, sum to this value.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted discrete hazard in H0H_0. fun(x, theta) must be able to take a vector input x, and a parameter theta.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


a given real number used as the parameter of the function ff.


The log likelihood been maximized is the ‘binomial’ empirical likelihood:

Dilogwi+(RiDi)log[1wi]\sum D_i \log w_i + (R_i-D_i) \log [1-w_i]

where wi=ΔH(ti)w_i = \Delta H(t_i) is the jump of the cumulative hazard function, DiD_i is the number of failures observed at tit_i, RiR_i is the number of subjects at risk at time tit_i.

For discrete distributions, the jump size of the cumulative hazard at the last jump is always 1. We have to exclude this jump from the summation since log(1dH())\log( 1- dH(\cdot)) do not make sense.

The constants theta and K must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that in testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the theta and K closer to the NPMLE. When the computation stops, the -2LLR should have value infinite.

In case you do not need the theta in the definition of the function ff, you still need to formally define your fun function with a theta input, just to match the arguments.


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the final value of the Lagrange multiplier.


The discrete -2Log Likelihood ratio.




number of iterations used


Mai Zhou


Fang, H. (2000). Binomial Empirical Likelihood Ratio Method in Survival Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics.

Zhou and Fang (2001). “Empirical likelihood ratio for 2 sample problem for censored data”. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics

Zhou, M. and Fang, H. (2006). A comparison of Poisson and binomial empirical likelihood. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


fun4 <- function(x, theta) { as.numeric(x <= theta) }
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 1, 2.4, 4.5)
d <- c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)
# test if -H(4) = -0.7 
# we should get "-2LLR" 0.1446316  etc....
y <- c(-2,-2, -2, 1.5, -1)

Two sample empirical likelihood ratio for discrete hazards with right censored, left truncated data, one parameter.


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

f1(t)I[dH1<1]log(1dH1(t))f2(t)I[dH2<1]log(1dH2(t))=θ\int{f_1(t) I_{[dH_1 <1]} \log(1-dH_1(t))} - \int{f_2(t) I_{[dH_2 <1]} \log(1-dH_2(t))} = \theta

where H(t)H_*(t) is the (unknown) discrete cumulative hazard function; f(t)f_*(t) can be any predictable functions of tt. θ\theta is the parameter. The given value of θ\theta in these computation is the value to be tested. The data can be right censored and left truncated.

When the given constants θ\theta is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no hazard function satisfy this constraint and the -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio will be infinite. In this case the computation will stop.


emplikH.disc2(x1, d1, y1= -Inf, x2, d2, y2 = -Inf,
              theta, fun1, fun2, tola = 1e-6, maxi, mini)



a vector, the observed survival times, sample 1.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a vector, the observed survival times, sample 2.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a predictable function used to calculate the weighted discrete hazard in H0H_0. fun1(x) must be able to take a vector input x.


similar to fun1, but for sample 2.


an optional positive real number, the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


a given real number. for Ho constraint.


upper bound for lambda, usually positive.


lower bound for lambda, usually negative.


The log likelihood been maximized is the ‘binomial’ empirical likelihood:

D1ilogwi+(R1iD1i)log[1wi]+D2jlogvj+(R2jD2j)log[1vj]\sum D_{1i} \log w_i + (R_{1i}-D_{1i}) \log [1-w_i] + \sum D_{2j} \log v_j + (R_{2j}-D_{2j}) \log [1-v_j]

where wi=ΔH1(ti)w_i = \Delta H_1(t_i) is the jump of the cumulative hazard function at tit_i, D1iD_{1i} is the number of failures observed at tit_i, R1iR_{1i} is the number of subjects at risk at time tit_i.

For discrete distributions, the jump size of the cumulative hazard at the last jump is always 1. We have to exclude this jump from the summation in the constraint calculation since log(1dH())\log( 1- dH(\cdot)) do not make sense.

The constants theta must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that in ELR testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the theta closer to the NPMLE. When the computation stops, the -2LLR should have value infinite.


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the final value of the Lagrange multiplier.


The -2Log Likelihood ratio.




number of iterations used


Mai Zhou


Zhou and Fang (2001). “Empirical likelihood ratio for 2 sample problems for censored data”. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


if(require("boot", quietly = TRUE)) {
ymale <- channing[1:97,2]
dmale <- channing[1:97,5]
xmale <- channing[1:97,3]
yfemale <- channing[98:462,2]
dfemale <- channing[98:462,5]
xfemale <- channing[98:462,3]
fun1 <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 960) }
emplikH.disc2(x1=xfemale, d1=dfemale, y1=yfemale, 
 x2=xmale, d2=dmale, y2=ymale, theta=0.2, fun1=fun1, fun2=fun1, maxi=4, mini=-10)
### You should get "-2LLR" = 1.511239 and a lot more other outputs.
emplikH.disc2(x1=xfemale, d1=dfemale, y1=yfemale, 
 x2=xmale, d2=dmale, y2=ymale, theta=0.25, fun1=fun1, fun2=fun1, maxi=4, mini=-5)
### This time you get "-2LLR" = 1.150098 etc. etc.

Empirical likelihood for hazard with right censored, left truncated data


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

f(t)dH(t)=θ\int f(t) dH(t) = \theta

with right censored, left truncated data. Where H(t)H(t) is the unknown cumulative hazard function; f(t)f(t) can be any given function and θ\theta a given constant. In fact, f(t)f(t) can even be data dependent, just have to be ‘predictable’.


emplikH1.test(x, d, y= -Inf, theta, fun, tola=.Machine$double.eps^.5)



a vector of the censored survival times.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


a vector of the observed left truncation times.


a real number used in the H0H_0 to set the hazard to this value.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted hazard in H0H_0. fun must be able to take a vector input. See example below.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


This function is designed for the case where the true distributions are all continuous. So there should be no tie in the data.

The log empirical likelihood used here is the ‘Poisson’ version empirical likelihood:

i=1nδilog(dH(xi))[H(xi)H(yi)] .\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \log (dH(x_i)) - [ H(x_i) - H(y_i) ] ~.

If there are ties in the data that are resulted from rounding, you may break the tie by adding a different tiny number to the tied observation(s). If those are true ties (thus the true distribution is discrete) we recommend use emplikdisc.test().

The constant theta must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that in testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation complains that there is no hazard function satisfy the constraint, you should try to move the theta value closer to the NPMLE. When the computation stops prematurely, the -2LLR should have value infinite.


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the Lagrange multiplier.


the -2Log Likelihood ratio.




number of iterations used


Mai Zhou


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.


fun <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 6.5) }
emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=2, fun=fun) 
fun2 <- function(x) {exp(-x)}  
emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=0.2, fun=fun2)

Return binomial empirical likelihood ratio for the given lambda, with right censored data


Compute the binomial empirical likelihood ratio for the given tilt parameter lambda. Most useful for construct Wilks confidence intervals. The null hypothesis or constraint is defined by the parameter θ\theta, where

fung(t)dlog(1H(t))=θ\int fung(t) d \log (1-H(t)) = \theta

Where H(t)H(t) is the unknown cumulative hazard function; fung(t)fung(t) can be any given function. In the future, the function fungfung may replaced by the vector of fung(x)fung(x), since this is more flexible.

Input data can be right censored. If no censoring, set d=rep(1, length(x)).


emplikH1B(lambda, x, d, fung, CIforTheta=FALSE)



a scalar. Can be positive or negative. The amount of tiling.


a vector of the censored survival times.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted hazard in the parameter θ\theta. fung must be able to take a vector input. See example below.


an optional logical value. Default to FALSE. If set to TRUE, will return the integrated hazard value for the given lambda.


This function is used to calculate lambda confidence interval (Wilks type) for θ\theta.

This function is designed for the case where the true distribution should be discrete. Ties in the data are OK.

The log empirical likelihood used here is the ‘binomial’ version empirical likelihood:

i=1nδilog(dH(xi))+(Riδi)log[1dH(xi)].\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \log (dH(x_i)) + (R_i - \delta_i)\log [1- dH(x_i) ] .


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the input lambda.


the -2Log Likelihood ratio.


The theta defined above, for the given lambda.


Mai Zhou


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.


## fun <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 6.5) }
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=2, fun=fun) 
## fun2 <- function(x) {exp(-x)}  
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=0.2, fun=fun2)

Return Poisson Empirical likelihood ratio for the given lambda, with right censored data


Compute the Poisson empirical likelihood ratio for the given tilt parameter lambda. Most useful for the construction of Wilks confidence intervals. The null hypothesis or constraint is defined by the parameter θ\theta, where

fung(t)dH(t)=θ\int fung(t) dH(t) = \theta

Where H(t)H(t) is the unknown cumulative hazard function; fung(t)fung(t) can be any given function.

In the future, the function fungfung may replaced by the vector of fung(x)fung(x), since this is more flexible.

Input data can be right censored. If no censoring, set d=rep(1, length(x)).


emplikH1P(lambda, x, d, fung, CIforTheta=FALSE)



a scalar. Can be positive or negative. The amount of tiling.


a vector of the censored survival times.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted hazard in the parameter θ\theta. fung must be able to take a vector input. See example below.


an optional logical value. Default to FALSE. If set to TRUE, will return the integrated hazard value for the given lambda.


This function is for calculate lambda confidence intervals for θ\theta.

This function is designed for the case where the true distribution should be continuous. So there should be no tie in the data.

The log empirical likelihood used here is the ‘Poisson’ version empirical likelihood:

i=1nδilog(dH(xi))[H(xi)] .\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \log (dH(x_i)) - [ H(x_i) ] ~.

If there are ties in the data that are resulted from rounding, you may want to break the tie by adding a different tiny number to the tied observation(s). For example: 2, 2, 2, change to 2.00001, 2.00002, 2.00003. If those are true ties (thus the true distribution must be discrete) we recommend to use emplikH1B instead.


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the Lagrange multiplier.


the -2Log Empirical Likelihood ratio, Poisson version.


The theta defined above, the hazard integral, if CIforTheta =TRUE.


Mai Zhou


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.


## fun <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 6.5) }
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=2, fun=fun) 
## fun2 <- function(x) {exp(-x)}  
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=0.2, fun=fun2)

Empirical likelihood for weighted hazard with right censored, left truncated data


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

f(t,...)dH(t)=K\int f(t, ... ) dH(t) = K

with right censored, left truncated data, where H(t)H(t) is the (unknown) cumulative hazard function; f(t,...)f(t, ... ) can be any given left continuous function in tt; (of course the integral must be finite).


emplikH2.test(x, d, y= -Inf, K, fun, tola=.Machine$double.eps^.5,...)



a vector containing the censored survival times.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


a vector containing the left truncation times. If left as default value, -Inf, it means no truncation.


a real number used in the constraint, i.e. to set the weighted integral of hazard to this value.


a left continuous (in t) weight function used to calculate the weighted hazard in H0H_0. fun(t, ... ) must be able to take a vector input t.


an optional positive real number specifying the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


additional parameter(s), if any, passing along to fun. This allows an implicit function of fun.


This version works for implicit function f(t, ...).

This function is designed for continuous distributions. Thus we do not expect tie in the observation x. If you believe the true underlying distribution is continuous but the sample observations have tie due to rounding, then you might want to add a small number to the observations to break tie.

The likelihood used here is the ‘Poisson’ version of the empirical likelihood

i=1n(dH(xi))δiexp[H(xi)+H(yi)].\prod_{i=1}^n ( dH(x_i) )^{\delta_i} \exp [-H(x_i)+H(y_i)] .

For discrete distributions we recommend use emplikdisc.test().

Please note here the largest observed time is NOT automatically defined to be uncensored. In the el.cen.EM( ), it is (to make F a proper distribution always).

The constant K must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that when testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations for the computation to continue. It is always true that the NPMLE value is feasible. So when the computation cannot continue, that means there is no hazard function dominated by the Nelson-Aalen estimator satisfy the constraint. You may try to move the theta and K closer to the NPMLE. When the computation cannot continue, the -2LLR should have value infinite.


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the Lagrange multiplier.


the -2Log Likelihood ratio.




number of iterations used


Mai Zhou


Pan, XR and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of cumulative hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.

See Also



fun4 <- function(x, theta) { as.numeric(x <= theta) }
emplikH2.test(x=z1,d=d1, K=0.5, fun=fun4, theta=3.5)
#Next, test if H(3.5) = log(2) .
emplikH2.test(x=z1,d=d1, K=log(2), fun=fun4, theta=3.5)
#Next, try one sample log rank test
indi <- function(x,y){ as.numeric(x >= y) }
fun3 <- function(t,z){rowsum(outer(z,t,FUN="indi"),group=rep(1,length(z)))} 
emplikH2.test(x=z1, d=d1, K=sum(0.25*z1), fun=fun3, z=z1) 
##this is testing if the data is from an exp(0.25) population.

Return binomial empirical likelihood ratio for the given lambda, with 2-sample right censored data


Compute the binomial empirical likelihood ratio for the given tilt parameter lambda. Most useful for construct Wilks confidence intervals. The null hypothesis or constraint is defined by the parameter θ\theta, where

fun1(t)dlog(1H1(t))fun2(t)dlog(1H2(t))=θ\int fun1(t) d \log(1-H_1(t)) - \int fun2(t) d \log (1-H_2(t)) = \theta

If the lambda=0, you get the Nelson-Aalen (NPMLE) and output -2LLR =0. Otherwise the lambda is not scaled (as in one sample case). Since there are two sample sizes. It can be confusing which sample size to use for scale. So the lambda here is larger than those in one sample by a sclae of (either?) sample size.

Where H1(t)H_1(t) and H2(t)H_2(t) are the unknown cumulative hazard function for sample 1/2; fun1(t)fun1(t) and fun2(t)fun2(t) can be any given function. It can even be random, just need to be predictable. In the future, the input function funfun may replaced by the vector of fun(x)fun(x), since this is more flexible.

Input data can be right censored. If no censoring, set d1=rep(1, length(x1)), and/or d2=rep(1, length(x2)).


emplikH2B(lambda, x1, d1, x2, d2, fun1, fun2, CIforTheta=FALSE)



a scalar. Can be positive or negative. The amount of tiling.


a vector of the censored survival times. sample 1


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a vector of the censored survival times. sample 2


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted hazard in the parameter θ\theta. fun1 must be able to take a vector input. See example below.




an optional logical value. Default to FALSE. If set to TRUE, will return the integrated hazard value for the given lambda.


This function is used to calculate lambda confidence interval (Wilks type) for θ\theta.

This function is designed for the case where the true distribution should be discrete. Ties in the data are OK.

The log empirical likelihood used here is the ‘binomial’ version empirical likelihood:

logEL1=i=1nδilog(dH(xi))+(Riδi)log[1dH(xi)] ,\log EL1 = \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \log (dH(x_i)) + (R_i - \delta_i)\log [1- dH(x_i) ] ~,

(similarly defined for sample 2) and the overall log EL = log EL1 + log EL2.


A list with the following components:


the -2Log Empirical Likelihood ratio, binomial version.


the input lambda. The tilt. The Lagrange multiplier.


the location of the hazard jumps. sample 1.


the location of the hazard jumps. sample 2.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


the jump size of hazard function at those locations.


Difference of two hazard integrals. theta defined above.


Mai Zhou


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.


## fun <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 6.5) }
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=2, fun=fun) 
## fun2 <- function(x) {exp(-x)}  
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=0.2, fun=fun2)

Return Poisson Empirical likelihood ratio for the given lambda, with 2-sample right censored data


Compute the Poisson empirical likelihood ratio for the given tilt parameter lambda. Most useful when construct Wilks confidence intervals. The null hypothesis or constraint is defined by the parameter θ\theta, where

fun1(t)dH1(t)fun2(t)dH2(t)=θ\int fun1(t) dH_1(t) - \int fun2(t) dH_2(t) = \theta

If the lambda value set to zero, you get the Nelson-Aalen (NPMLE) and output -2LLR =0. For other values of lambda, this is not scaled (like in one sample) since there are two samples and it can be confusing which sample size to use. So here, the lambda is larger (with a scale of sample size) than those in one sample: emplikH1P.

Where H1(t)H_1(t) is the unknown cumulative hazard function of sample one; H2(t)H_2(t) is the cumulative function of sample two; fun1(t)fun1(t) can be any given function. In the future, the function fun1fun1 may replaced by the vector of fun(x)fun(x), since this is more flexible. Same for fun2fun2.

Input data can be right censored. If no censoring, set d1=rep(1, length(x1)), and/or d2=rep(1, length(x2)).


emplikH2P(lambda, x1, d1, x2, d2, fun1, fun2, CIforTheta=FALSE)



a scalar. Can be positive or negative. The amount of tiling.


a vector of the censored survival times. sample one.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a vector of the censored survival times. sample two.


a vector of the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-right censor.


a left continuous (weight) function used to calculate the weighted hazard in the parameter θ\theta. fun1 must be able to take a vector input. See example below.




an optional logical value. Default to FALSE. If set to TRUE, will return the integrated hazard value for the given lambda.


This function is for calculate lambda confidence intervals for θ\theta.

This function is designed for the case where the true distribution should be continuous. So there should be no tie in the data.

The log empirical likelihood used here is the ‘Poisson’ version empirical likelihood:

EL1=i=1nδilog(dH1(xi))[H1(xi)] ,EL1 = \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \log (dH_1(x_i)) - [ H_1(x_i) ] ~,

(similarly defined for sample 2) and the final EL is the sum of EL1 and EL2.

If there are ties in the data that are resulted from rounding, you may break the tie by adding a different tiny number to the tied observation(s). For example: 2, 2, 2, change to 2.00001, 2.00002, 2.00003. If those are true ties (thus the true distribution must be discrete) we recommend use emplikH2B.


A list with the following components:


the -2Log Empirical Likelihood ratio, Poisson version.


The tilt parameter used. It is also the Lagrange multiplier.


the -2Log EL ratio, sample 1, Poisson version. "-2LLR" = -2LLR(sample1) + -2LLR(sample2)


Average hazard for the constrained hazard integral, if CIforTheta =TRUE.


Mai Zhou


Pan, X. and Zhou, M. (2002), “Empirical likelihood in terms of hazard for censored data”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 80, 166-188.


## fun <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 6.5) }
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=2, fun=fun) 
## fun2 <- function(x) {exp(-x)}  
## emplikH1.test( x=c(1,2,3,4,5), d=c(1,1,0,1,1), theta=0.2, fun=fun2)

Two sample empirical likelihood ratio for discrete hazards with right censored, left truncated data. Many constraints.


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

f1(t)I[dH1<1]log(1dH1(t))f2(t)I[dH2<1]log(1dH2(t))=θ\int{f_1(t) I_{[dH_1 <1]} \log(1-dH_1(t))} - \int{f_2(t) I_{[dH_2 <1]} \log(1-dH_2(t))} = \theta

where H(t)H_*(t) are the (unknown) discrete cumulative hazard functions; f(t)f_*(t) can be any predictable functions of tt. θ\theta is a vector of parameters (dim=q >= 1). The given value of θ\theta in these computation are the value to be tested. The data can be right censored and left truncated.

When the given constants θ\theta is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no hazard function satisfy this constraint and the -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio will be infinite. In this case the computation will stop.


emplikHs.disc2(x1, d1, y1= -Inf, x2, d2, y2 = -Inf,
          theta, fun1, fun2, maxit=25,tola = 1e-6, itertrace =FALSE)



a vector, the observed survival times, sample 1.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a vector, the observed survival times, sample 2.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a predictable function used to calculate the weighted discrete hazard in H0H_0. fun1(x) must be able to take a vector input (length n) x, and output a matrix of n x q.




an optional positive real number, the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


a given vector of length q. for Ho constraint.


integer, maximum number of iteration.




The log empirical likelihood been maximized is the ‘binomial empirical likelihood’:

D1ilogwi+(R1iD1i)log[1wi]+D2jlogvj+(R2jD2j)log[1vj]\sum D_{1i} \log w_i + (R_{1i}-D_{1i}) \log [1-w_i] + \sum D_{2j} \log v_j + (R_{2j}-D_{2j}) \log [1-v_j]

where wi=ΔH1(ti)w_i = \Delta H_1(t_i) is the jump of the cumulative hazard function at tit_i, D1iD_{1i} is the number of failures observed at tit_i, and R1iR_{1i} is the number of subjects at risk at time tit_i (for sample one). Similar for sample two.

For discrete distributions, the jump size of the cumulative hazard at the last jump is always 1. We have to exclude this jump from the summation in the constraint calculation since log(1dH())\log( 1- dH(\cdot)) do not make sense. In the likelihood, this term contribute a zero (0*Inf).

This function can handle multiple constraints. So dim( theta) = q. The constants theta must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that in testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the theta closer to the NPMLE. When the computation stops, the -2LLR should have value infinite.

This code can also be used to compute one sample problems. You need to artificially supply data for sample two (with minimal sample size (2q+2)), and supply a function fun2 that ALWAYS returns zero (zero vector or zero matrix). In the output, read the -2LLR(sample1).


A list with the following components:


the location of the hazard jumps in sample 1.


the location of the hazard jumps in sample 2.


the final value of the Lagrange multiplier.


The -2Log Likelihood ratio.


The -2Log Likelihood ratio for sample 1 only.


number of iterations used


Mai Zhou


Zhou and Fang (2001). “Empirical likelihood ratio for 2 sample problems for censored data”. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics


if(require("boot", quietly = TRUE)) {
ymale <- channing[1:97,2]
dmale <- channing[1:97,5]
xmale <- channing[1:97,3]
yfemale <- channing[98:462,2]
dfemale <- channing[98:462,5]
xfemale <- channing[98:462,3]
fun1 <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 960) }
emplikHs.disc2(x1=xfemale, d1=dfemale, y1=yfemale, 
 x2=xmale, d2=dmale, y2=ymale, theta=0.25, fun1=fun1, fun2=fun1)
### This time you get "-2LLR" = 1.150098 etc. etc.
fun2 <- function(x){ cbind(as.numeric(x <= 960), as.numeric(x <= 860))}
############ fun2 has matrix output ###############
emplikHs.disc2(x1=xfemale, d1=dfemale, y1=yfemale, 
 x2=xmale, d2=dmale, y2=ymale, theta=c(0.25,0), fun1=fun2, fun2=fun2)
################# you get "-2LLR" = 1.554386, etc ###########

Two sample empirical likelihood ratio test for hazards with right censored, left truncated data. Many constraints.


Use empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test the null hypothesis that

f1(t)dH1(t)f2(t)dH2(t)=θ\int{f_1(t) dH_1(t)} - \int{f_2(t) dH_2(t)} = \theta

where H(t)H_*(t) is the (unknown) cumulative hazard functions for sample 1 and sample 2; f(t)f_*(t) can be any predictable functions of tt. θ\theta is a vector of parameters (dim=q). The given value of θ\theta in these computation are the value to be tested. The data can be right censored and left truncated.

The two samples are assumed independent of each other.

When the given constants θ\theta is too far away from the NPMLE, there will be no hazard function satisfy this constraint and the -2 Log empirical likelihood ratio will be infinite. In this case the computation will stop.


emplikHs.test2(x1, d1, y1= -Inf, x2, d2, y2 = -Inf,
          theta, fun1, fun2, maxit=25,tola = 1e-7,itertrace =FALSE)



a vector of length n1, the observed survival times, sample 1.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a vector of length n2, the observed survival times, sample 2.


a vector, the censoring indicators, 1-uncensor; 0-censor.


optional vector, the left truncation times.


a predictable function used to calculate the weighted discrete hazard to form the null hypothesis H0H_0. fun1(x) must be able to take a vector input (length n1) x, and output a matrix of n1 x q. When q=1, the output can also be a vector.


Ditto. but for length n2


an optional positive real number, the tolerance of iteration error in solve the non-linear equation needed in constrained maximization.


a given vector of length q. for Ho constraint.


integer, maximum number of Newton-Raphson type iterations.


Logocal, if the results of each iteration needs to be printed.


The log likelihood been maximized is the Poisson likelihood:

D1ilogwiR1iwi+D2jlogvjR2jvj\sum D_{1i} \log w_i - \sum R_{1i} w_i + \sum D_{2j} \log v_j - \sum R_{2j} v_j

where wi=ΔH1(ti)w_i = \Delta H_1(t_i) is the jump of the cumulative hazard function at tit_i (for first sample), D1iD_{1i} is the number of failures observed at tit_i, R1iR_{1i} is the number of subjects at risk at time tit_i. Dido for sample two.

For (proper) discrete distributions, the jump size of the cumulative hazard at the last jump is always 1. So, in the likelihood ratio, it cancels. But the last jump of size 1 still matter when computing the constraint.

The constants theta must be inside the so called feasible region for the computation to continue. This is similar to the requirement that in testing the value of the mean, the value must be inside the convex hull of the observations. It is always true that the NPMLE values are feasible. So when the computation stops, try move the theta closer to the NPMLE, which we print out first thing in this function, even when other later computations do not go. When the computation stops, the -2LLR should have value infinite.

This function uses the llog etc. function, so sometimes it may produce different result from the one sample result. which use the regular log function. The advantage is that we avoid the possible log(0) situation.

You can also use this function for one sample problems. You need to artificially supply data for sample two of minimal size (like size 2q+2), and specify a fun2() that ALWAYS return 0's (zero vector, with length=n2 vector length, or zero matrix, with dim n2 x q as the input). Then, look for -2LLR(sample1) in the output.


A list with the following components:


The -2Log empirical Likelihood ratio.


the final value of the Lagrange multiplier.


The -2Log empirical likelihood ratio for sample one only. Useful in one sample problems.


The numerator only of the above "-2LLR(sample1)", without -2.


Mai Zhou


Zhou and Fang (2001). “Empirical likelihood ratio for 2 sample problems for censored data”. Tech Report, Univ. of Kentucky, Dept of Statistics

See Also



if(require("boot", quietly = TRUE)) {
ymale <- channing[1:97,2]
dmale <- channing[1:97,5]
xmale <- channing[1:97,3]
yfemale <- channing[98:462,2]
dfemale <- channing[98:462,5]
xfemale <- channing[98:462,3]
fun1 <- function(x) { as.numeric(x <= 960) }
fun2 <- function(x){ cbind(as.numeric(x <= 960), as.numeric(x <= 860))}
############ fun2 has matrix output ###############
emplikHs.test2(x1=xfemale, d1=dfemale, y1=yfemale, 
 x2=xmale, d2=dmale, y2=ymale, theta=c(0,0), fun1=fun2, fun2=fun2)
###################### Second example:
if(require("KMsurv", quietly = TRUE)) {
### these functions counts the risk set size, so delta=1 always ###
temp1 <- Wdataclean3(z=kidney$time[kidney[,3]==1], d=rep(1,43) )
temp2 <- DnR(x=temp1$value, d=temp1$dd, w=temp1$weight)
TIME <- temp2$times
RISK <- temp2$n.risk
fR1 <- approxfun(x=TIME, y=RISK, method="constant", yright=0, rule=2, f=1)
temp1 <- Wdataclean3(z=kidney$time[kidney[,3]==2], d=rep(1,76) )
temp2 <- DnR(x=temp1$value, d=temp1$dd, w=temp1$weight)
TIME <- temp2$times
RISK <- temp2$n.risk
fR2 <- approxfun(x=TIME, y=RISK, method="constant", yright=0, rule=2, f=1)

### the weight function for two sample Gehan-Wilcoxon type test ###
fun <- function(t){ fR1(t)*fR2(t)/((76*43)*sqrt(119/(76*43)) )}
### Here comes the test: ###
   theta=0, fun1= fun, fun2=fun)
### The results should include this ###
#[1] 0.002473070
#[1] -0.1713749
######### the weight function for log-rank test #####
funlogrank <- function(t){sqrt(119/(76*43))*fR1(t)*fR2(t)/(fR1(t)+fR2(t))}
##### Now the log-rank test ###
  theta=0, fun1=funlogrank, fun2=funlogrank)
##### The result of log rank test should include this ###
#[1] 2.655808
#[1] 3.568833
###### the weight function for both type test ####
funBOTH <- function(t) {
                 fR1(t)*fR2(t)/((76*43)*sqrt(119/(76*43)))) }
#### The test that combine both tests ###
    theta=c(0,0), fun1=funBOTH, fun2=funBOTH)
#### the result should include this ###
#[1] 13.25476
#[1]  14.80228 -21.86733

Find the Wilks Confidence Interval Lower Bound from the Given (empirical) Likelihood Ratio Function


This function is similar to findUL2 but here the seeking of lower and upper confidence bound are separate (the other half is findUnew).

The reason for this is: sometime we need to supply the fun with different nuisance parameter(s) values when seeking Lower or Upper bound. For example fun returns the -2LLR for a given parameter of interest, but there are additional nuisance parameter need to be profiled out, and we need to give a range of the nuisance parameter to be max/min over. This range can be very different for parameter near Upper bound vs near Lower bound. In the findUL2, you have to supply a range really wide that (hopefully) works for both Upper and Lower bound. Here, with separate findLnew and findUnew we can tailor the range for one end of the confidence interval.

Those nuisance parameter(s) are supplied via the ... input of this function.

Another improvement is that we used the "extendInt" option of the uniroot. So now we can and did used a smaller default step input, compare to findUL2.

This program uses uniroot( ) to find (only) the lower (Wilks) confidence limit based on the -2 log likelihood ratio, which the required input fun is supposed to supply.

Basically, starting from MLE, we search on lower direction, by step away from MLE, until we find values that have -2LLR = level. (the value of -2LLR at MLE is supposed to be zero.)

At curruent implimentation, only handles one dimesional parameter, i.e. only confidence intervals, not confidence regions.


findLnew(step=0.003, initStep=0, fun, MLE, level=3.84146, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5,...)



a positive number. The starting step size of the search. Reasonable value should be about 1/5 of the SD of MLE. If in doubt, use a smaller value.


a nonnegative number. The first step size of the search. Sometimes, you may want to put a larger innitStep to speed the search.


a function that returns a list. One of the item in the list should be "-2LLR", which is the -2 log (empirical) likelihood ratio. The first input of fun must be the parameter for which we are seeking the confidence interval. (The MLE or NPMLE of this parameter should be supplied as in the input MLE). The rest of the input to fun are typically the data. If the first input of fun is set to MLE, then the returned -2LLR should be 0.


The MLE of the parameter. No need to be exact, as long as it is inside the confidence interval.


an optional positive number, controls the confidence level. Default to 3.84146 = chisq(0.95, df=1). Change to 2.70=chisq(0.90, df=1) to get a 90% confidence interval.


Error bound of the final result.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


Basically we repeatedly testing the value of the parameter, until we find those which the -2 log likelihood value is equal to 3.84146 (or other level, if set differently).


A list with the following components:


the lower limit of the confidence interval.


the final step size when search lower limit. An indication of the precision.


The -2LLR value of the final Low value. Should be approximately equal to level. If larger than level, than the confidence interval limit Low is wrong.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.


## example with tied observations. Kaplan-Meier mean=4.0659.
## For more examples see vignettes.
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,  1)
myfun6 <- function(theta, x, d) {
el.cen.EM2(x, d, fun=function(t){t}, mu=theta)
findLnew(step=0.1, fun=myfun6, MLE=4.0659, x=x, d=d)

Find the Wilks Confidence Interval from the Given (empirical) Likelihood Ratio Function


This program uses uniroot( ) to find the upper and lower (Wilks) confidence limits based on the -2 log likelihood ratio, which the required input fun is supposed to supply.

Basically, starting from MLE, we search on both directions, by step away from MLE, until we find values that have -2LLR = level. (the value of -2LLR at MLE is supposed to be zero.)

At curruent implimentation, only handles one dimesional parameter, i.e. only confidence intervals, not confidence regions.

For examples of using this function to find confidence interval, see the pdf vignettes file.


findUL (step = 0.01, initStep =0, fun, MLE, level = 3.84146, ...)



a positive number. The starting step size of the search. Reasonable value should be about 1/5 of the SD of MLE.


a nonnegative number. The first step size of the search. Sometimes, you may want to put a larger innitStep to speed the search.


a function that returns a list. One of the item in the list should be "-2LLR", which is the -2 log (empirical) likelihood ratio. The first input of fun must be the parameter for which we are seeking the confidence interval. (The MLE or NPMLE of this parameter should be supplied as in the input MLE). The rest of the input to fun are typically the data. If the first input of fun is set to MLE, then the returned -2LLR should be 0.


The MLE of the parameter. No need to be exact, as long as it is inside the confidence interval.


an optional positive number, controls the confidence level. Default to 3.84 = chisq(0.95, df=1). Change to 2.70=chisq(0.90, df=1) to get a 90% confidence interval.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


Basically we repeatedly testing the value of the parameter, until we find those which the -2 log likelihood value is equal to 3.84 (or other level, if set differently).

If there is no value exactly equal to 3.84, it is better to use findULold( ), where we stop at the value which result a -2 log likelihood just below 3.84. (as in the discrete case, like quantiles.)


A list with the following components:


the lower limit of the confidence interval.


the upper limit of the confidence interval.


the final step size when search lower limit. An indication of the precision.


Ditto. An indication of the precision of the upper limit.


The -2LLR value of the final Low value. Should be approximately equal to level. If larger than level, than the confidence interval limit Low is wrong.


Ditto. Should be approximately equal to level.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.


## example with tied observations. Kaplan-Meier mean=4.0659.
## For more examples see vignettes.
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,  1)
myfun6 <- function(theta, x, d) {
el.cen.EM2(x, d, fun=function(t){t}, mu=theta)
findUL(step=0.2, fun=myfun6, MLE=4.0659, x=x, d=d)

Find the Wilks Confidence Interval from the Given (empirical) Likelihood Ratio Function


This program uses simple search and uniroot( ) to find the upper and lower (Wilks) confidence limits based on the -2 log likelihood ratio, which the required input fun is supposed to supply.

This function is faster than findUL( ).

Basically, starting from MLE, we search on both directions, by step away from MLE, until we find values that have -2LLR = level. (the value of -2LLR at MLE is supposed to be zero.)

At curruent implimentation, only handles one dimesional parameter, i.e. only confidence intervals, not confidence regions.

For examples of using this function to find confidence interval, see the pdf vignettes file.


findUL2(step=0.01, initStep=0, fun, MLE, level=3.84146, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)



a positive number. The starting step size of the search. Reasonable value should be about 1/5 of the SD of MLE.


a nonnegative number. The first step size of the search. Sometimes, you may want to put a larger innitStep to speed the search.


a function that returns a list. One of the item in the list should be "-2LLR", which is the -2 log (empirical) likelihood ratio. The first input of fun must be the parameter for which we are seeking the confidence interval. (The MLE or NPMLE of this parameter should be supplied as in the input MLE). The rest of the input to fun are typically the data. If the first input of fun is set to MLE, then the returned -2LLR should be 0.


The MLE of the parameter. No need to be exact, as long as it is inside the confidence interval.


an optional positive number, controls the confidence level. Default to 3.84 = chisq(0.95, df=1). Change to 2.70=chisq(0.90, df=1) to get a 90% confidence interval.


tolerance to pass to uniroot( ). Default to .Machine$double.eps^0.5


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


Basically we repeatedly testing the value of the parameter, until we find those which the -2 log likelihood value is equal to 3.84 (or other level, if set differently).

If there is no value exactly equal to 3.84, we stop at the value which result a -2 log likelihood just below 3.84. (as in the discrete case, like quantiles.)


A list with the following components:


the lower limit of the confidence interval.


the upper limit of the confidence interval.


the final step size when search lower limit. An indication of the precision.


Ditto. An indication of the precision of the upper limit.


The -2LLR value of the final Low value. Should be approximately equal to level. If larger than level, than the confidence interval limit Low is wrong.


Ditto. Should be approximately equal to level.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.

Zhou, M. (2002). Computing censored empirical likelihood ratio by EM algorithm. JCGS


## example with tied observations. Kaplan-Meier mean=4.0659.
## For more examples see vignettes.
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,  1)
myfun6 <- function(theta, x, d) {
el.cen.EM2(x, d, fun=function(t){t}, mu=theta)
findUL2(step=0.2, fun=myfun6, MLE=4.0659, x=x, d=d)

Find the Wilks Confidence Interval from the Given (empirical) Likelihood Ratio Function


This program uses simple search to find the upper and lower (Wilks) confidence limits based on the -2 log likelihood ratio, which the required input fun is supposed to supply.

Basically, starting from MLE, we search on both directions, by step away from MLE, until we find values that have -2LLR = level. (the value of -2LLR at MLE is supposed to be zero.)

At curruent implimentation, only handles one dimesional parameter, i.e. only confidence intervals, not confidence regions.

For examples of using this function to find confidence interval, see the pdf vignettes file.


findULold (step = 0.01, initStep =0, fun, MLE, level = 3.84146, ...)



a positive number. The starting step size of the search. Reasonable value should be about 1/5 of the SD of MLE.


a nonnegative number. The first step size of the search. Sometimes, you may want to put a larger innitStep to speed the search.


a function that returns a list. One of the item in the list should be "-2LLR", which is the -2 log (empirical) likelihood ratio. The first input of fun must be the parameter for which we are seeking the confidence interval. (The MLE or NPMLE of this parameter should be supplied as in the input MLE). The rest of the input to fun are typically the data. If the first input of fun is set to MLE, then the returned -2LLR should be 0.


The MLE of the parameter. No need to be exact, as long as it is inside the confidence interval.


an optional positive number, controls the confidence level. Default to 3.84146 = chisq(0.95, df=1). Change to 2.70=chisq(0.90, df=1) to get a 90% confidence interval.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


Basically we repeatedly testing the value of the parameter, until we find those which the -2 log likelihood value is equal to 3.84146 (or other level, if set differently).

If there is no value exactly equal to 3.84146, we stop at the value which result a -2 log likelihood just below 3.84146. (as in the discrete case, like quantiles.)


A list with the following components:


the lower limit of the confidence interval.


the upper limit of the confidence interval.


the final step size when search lower limit. An indication of the precision.


Ditto. An indication of the precision of the upper limit.


The -2LLR value of the final Low value. Should be approximately equal to level. If larger than level, than the confidence interval limit Low is wrong.


Ditto. Should be approximately equal to level.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.


## example with tied observations. Kaplan-Meier mean=4.0659.
## For more examples see vignettes.
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,  1)
myfun6 <- function(theta, x, d) {
el.cen.EM2(x, d, fun=function(t){t}, mu=theta)
## findULold(step=0.2, fun=myfun6, MLE=4.0659, level = qchisq(0.9, df=1) , x=x, d=d)

Find the Wilks Confidence Interval Upper Bound from the Given (empirical) Likelihood Ratio Function


This function is similar to findUL2 but here the seeking of lower and upper bound are separate (the other half is findLnew).

See the help file of findLnew. Since sometimes the likelihood ratio is a Profile likelihood ratio and we need to supply the fun with different nuisance parameter(s) value(s) when seeking Lower or Upper bound. Those nuisance parameter(s) are supplied via the ... input.

Another improvement is that we used the "extendInt" option of the uniroot. So now we can and did used a smaller default step input, 0.003, compare to findUL2.

This program uses uniroot( ) to find (only) the upper (Wilks) confidence limit based on the -2 log likelihood ratio, which the required input fun is supposed to supply.

Basically, starting from MLE, we search on upper/higher direction, by step away from MLE, until we find values that have -2LLR = level. (the value of -2LLR at MLE is supposed to be zero.)

At curruent implimentation, only handles one dimesional parameter, i.e. only confidence intervals, not confidence regions.


findUnew(step=0.003, initStep=0, fun, MLE, level=3.84146, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5,...)



a positive number. The starting step size of the search. Reasonable value should be about 1/5 of the SD of MLE.


a nonnegative number. The first step size of the search. Sometimes, you may want to put a larger innitStep to speed the search.


a function that returns a list. One of the item in the list should be "-2LLR", which is the -2 log (empirical) likelihood ratio. The first input of fun must be the parameter for which we are seeking the confidence interval. (The MLE or NPMLE of this parameter should be supplied as in the input MLE). The rest of the input to fun are typically the data. If the first input of fun is set to MLE, then the returned -2LLR should be 0.


The MLE of the parameter. No need to be exact, as long as it is inside the confidence interval.


an optional positive number, controls the confidence level. Default to 3.84146 = chisq(0.95, df=1). Change to 2.70=chisq(0.90, df=1) to get a 90% confidence interval.


Error bound of the final result.


additional arguments, if any, to pass to fun.


Basically we repeatedly testing the value of the parameter, until we find those which the -2 log likelihood value is equal to 3.84146 (or other level, if set differently).


A list with the following components:


the upper limit of the confidence interval.


the final step size when search upper limit. An indication of the precision/error size.


The -2LLR value of the final Up value. Should be approximately equal to level. If larger than level, than the confidence interval limit Up is wrong.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016). Empirical Likelihood Method in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.


## example with tied observations. Kaplan-Meier mean=4.0659.
## For more examples see vignettes.
x <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4.5)
d <- c(1,   1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,  1)
myfun6 <- function(theta, x, d) {
el.cen.EM2(x, d, fun=function(t){t}, mu=theta)
findUnew(step=0.1, fun=myfun6, MLE=4.0659, x=x, d=d)

Multiple Myeloma Data


Krall, Uthoff, and Harley (1975) analyzed data from a study on multiple myeloma in which researchers treated 65 patients with alkylating agents.

Of those patients, 48 died during the study and 17 survived. In the data set MYELOMA, the variable TIME represents the survival time in months from diagnosis. The variable VSTATUS consists of two values, 0 and 1, indicating whether the patient was alive or dead, respectively, at the of end the study. If the value of VSTATUS is 0, the corresponding value of TIME is censored.

The variables thought to be related to survival are LOGBUN (log BUN at diagnosis), HGB (hemoglobin at diagnosis), PLATELET (platelets at diagnosis: 0=abnormal, 1=normal), AGE (age at diagnosis in years), LOGWBC (log WBC at diagnosis), FRAC (fractures at diagnosis: 0=none, 1=present), LOGPBM (log percentage of plasma cells in bone marrow), PROTEIN (proteinuria at diagnosis), and SCALC (serum calcium at diagnosis).

Data are from





A data frame containing 65 observations on 11 variables:

[,1] "time"
[,2] "vstatus"
[,3] "logBUN"
[,4] "HGB"
[,5] "platelet"
[,6] "age"
[,7] "logWBC"
[,8] "FRAC"
[,9] "logPBM"
[,10] "protein"
[,11] "SCALC"


Krall, J.M., Uthoff, V.A., and Harley, J. B. (1975). A Step-up Procedure for Selecting Variables Associated with Survival. Biometrics, 31, 49-57.

Test the AFT model Rank Regression estimator by Empirical Likelihood


Use the empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta, based on the rank estimator for the AFT model.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d=1logΔF(ei)+d=0log[1F(ei)];\sum_{d=1} \log \Delta F(e_i) + \sum_{d=0} \log [1-F(e_i)];

where eie_i are the residuals.


RankRegTest(y, d, x, beta, type="Gehan")



a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector (length N) of either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored; d=0 means y is right censored.


a matrix of size N by q.


a vector of length q. the value of the regression coefficient to be tested in the model yi=βxi+ϵiy_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i


default to Gehan type. The other option is Logrank type.


The estimator of beta can be obtained by function rankaft( ) in the package rankreg. But here you may test other values of beta. If you test the beta value that is obtained from the rankaft( ), then the -2LLR should be 0 and the p-value should be 1.

The above likelihood should be understood as the likelihood of the error term, so in the regression model the error eie_i should be iid.

The estimation equation used when maximize the empirical likelihood is

0=iϕ(ei)diΔF(ei)(xixˉi)/(nwi)0 = \sum_i \phi (e_i) d_i \Delta F(e_i) (x_i - \bar x_i )/(n w_i)

which was described in detail in the references below.

See also the function RankRegTestH, which is based on the hazard likelihood.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; should have approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the log empirical likelihood, under estimating equation.


the log empirical likelihood of the Kaplan-Meier of e's.


the probabilities that max the empirical likelihood under rank estimating equation constraint.


Mai Zhou.


Kalbfleisch, J. and Prentice, R. (2002) The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. 2nd Ed. Wiley, New York. (Chapter 7)

Jin, Z., Lin, D.Y., Wei, L. J. and Ying, Z. (2003). Rank-based inference for the accelerated failure time model. Biometrika, 90, 341-53.

Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood analysis of the rank estimator for the censored accelerated failure time model. Biometrika, 92, 492-98.


RankRegTest(y=myeloma[,1], d=myeloma[,2], x=myeloma[,3], beta= -15.50147)
# you should get "-2LLR" = 9.050426e-05 (practically zero)
# The beta value, -15.50147, was obtained by rankaft() from the rankreg package.

Test the AFT model, Rank Regression estimator by (Hazard)Empirical Likelihood


Use the empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta, based on the rank estimator/estimating equation of the AFT model.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is the hazard empirical likelihood.


RankRegTestH(y, d, x, beta, type="Gehan")



a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector (length N) of either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored; d=0 means y is right censored.


a matrix of size N by q.


a vector of length q. the value of the regression coefficient to be tested in the model yi=βxi+ϵiy_i = \beta x_i + \epsilon_i


default to Gehan type. The other option is Logrank type.


The estimator of beta can be obtained by function rankaft( ) in the package rankreg. But here you may test other values of beta. If you test the beta value that is obtained from the rankaft( ), then the -2LLR should be 0 and the p-value should be 1.

The above likelihood should be understood as the likelihood of the error term, so in the regression model the error eie_i should be iid.

The estimating equation used when maximize the empirical likelihood is

0=iR(ei)ϕ(ei)diΔA(ei)(xixˉi)0 = \sum_i R(e_i) \phi (e_i) d_i \Delta A(e_i) (x_i - \bar x_i )

where all notation was described in detail in the references below.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; should have approximate chisq distribution under H0H_0.


the log empirical likelihood, under estimating equation.


the log empirical likelihood of the Kaplan-Meier of e's.


Mai Zhou


Zhou, M. (2016) Empirical Likelihood Methods in Survival Analysis. CRC Press.

Kalbfleisch, J. and Prentice, R. (2002) The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. 2nd Ed. Wiley, New York. (Chapter 7)

Jin, Z., Lin, D.Y., Wei, L. J. and Ying, Z. (2003). Rank-based inference for the accelerated failure time model. Biometrika, 90, 341-53.

Zhou, M. (2005). Empirical likelihood analysis of the rank estimator for the censored accelerated failure time model. Biometrika, 92, 492–498.


RankRegTestH(y=myeloma[,1], d=myeloma[,2], x=myeloma[,3], beta= -15.50147)
# you should get "-2LLR" = 9.050426e-05 (practically zero)
# The beta value, -15.50147, was obtained by rankaft() from 
# the rankreg package.

Test the ROC curve by Empirical Likelihood


Use empirical likelihood ratio to test the hypothesis Ho: (1-b0)th quantile of sample 1 = (1-t0)th quantile of sample 2. This is the same as testing Ho: R(t0)= b0, where R(.) is the ROC curve.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d1=1logΔF1(t1i)+d1=0log[1F1(t1i)]+d2=1logΔF2(t2j)+d2=0log[1F2(t2j)].\sum_{d1=1} \log \Delta F_1(t1_i) + \sum_{d1=0} \log [1-F_1(t1_i)] + \sum_{d2=1} \log \Delta F_2(t2_j) + \sum_{d2=0} \log [1-F_2(t2_j)] .

This empirical likelihood ratio has a chi square limit under Ho.


ROCnp(t1, d1, t2, d2, b0, t0)



a vector of length n. Observed times, may be right censored.


a vector of length n, censoring status. d=1 means t is uncensored; d=0 means t is right censored.


a vector of length m. Observed times, may be right censored.


a vector of length m, censoring status.


a scalar between 0 and 1.


a scalar, betwenn 0 and 1.


Basically, we first test (1-b0)th quantile of sample 1 = c and also test (1-t0)th quantile of sample 2 = c. This way we obtain two log likelihood ratios.

Then we minimize the sum of the two log likelihood ratio over c.

See the tech report below for details on a similar setting.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; have approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the estimated common quantile.


Mai Zhou.


Zhou, M. and Liang, H (2008). Empirical Likelihood for Hybrid Two Sample Problem with Censored Data. Univ. Kentucky Tech. Report.

Su, H., Zhou, M. and Liang, H. (2011). Semi-parametric hybrid empirical likelihood inference for two-sample comparison with censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 17, 533-551.


#### An example of testing the equality of two medians. No censoring.
ROCnp(t1=rexp(100), d1=rep(1,100), t2=rexp(120), d2=rep(1,120), b0=0.5, t0=0.5)
#### Next, an example of finding 90 percent confidence interval of R(0.5)
####  Note: We are finding confidence interval for R(0.5). So we are testing  
####  R(0.5)= 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.38, etc. try to find values so that 
####  testing R(0.5) = L , U  has p-value of 0.10,  then [L,  U] is the 90 percent
####  confidence interval for R(0.5).
#t1 <- rexp(200)
#t2 <- rexp(200)
#ROCnp( t1=t1, d1=rep(1, 200), t2=t2, d2=rep(1, 200), b0=0.5, t0=0.5)$"-2LLR"
#### since the -2LLR value is less than  2.705543 = qchisq(0.9, df=1),  so the 
#### confidence interval contains 0.5.
#gridpoints <- 35:65/100
#ELvalues <- gridpoints
#for( i in 1:31 ) ELvalues[i] <- ROCnp(t1=t1, d1=rep(1, 200), 
#                 t2=t2, d2=rep(1, 200), b0=gridpoints[i], t0=0.5)$"-2LLR"
#myfun1 <- approxfun(x=gridpoints, y=ELvalues)
#uniroot( f= function(x){myfun1(x)-2.705543}, interval= c(0.35, 0.5) )
#uniroot( f= function(x){myfun1(x)-2.705543}, interval= c(0.5, 0.65) )
#### So, taking the two roots, we see the 90 percent confidence interval for R(0.5) 
#### in this case is [0.4478081,  0.5889425].

Test the ROC curve by Empirical Likelihood


Use empirical likelihood ratio to test the hypothesis Ho: (1-b0)th quantile of sample 1 = (1-t0)th quantile of sample 2. This is the same as testing Ho: R(t0)= b0, where R(.) is the ROC curve.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d1=1logΔF1(t1i)+d1=0log[1F1(t1i)]+d2=1logΔF2(t2j)+d2=0log[1F2(t2j)].\sum_{d1=1} \log \Delta F_1(t1_i) + \sum_{d1=0} \log [1-F_1(t1_i)] + \sum_{d2=1} \log \Delta F_2(t2_j) + \sum_{d2=0} \log [1-F_2(t2_j)] .

This empirical likelihood ratio has a chi square limit under Ho.


ROCnp2(t1, d1, t2, d2, b0, t0)



a vector of length n. Observed times, sample 1. may be right censored.


a vector of length n, censoring status. d=1 means t is uncensored; d=0 means t is right censored.


a vector of length m. Observed times, sample 2. may be right censored.


a vector of length m, censoring status.


a scalar, between 0 and 1.


a scalar, betwenn 0 and 1.


First, we test (1-b0)th quantile of sample 1 = c and also test (1-t0)th quantile of sample 2 = c. This way we obtain two log likelihood ratios.

Then we minimize the sum of the two log likelihood ratios over c.

This version use an exhaust search for the minimum (over c). Since the objective (log lik) are piecewise constants, the optimum( ) function in R do not work well. See the tech report below for details on a similar setting.


A list with the following components:


the -2 loglikelihood ratio; have approximate chisq distribution under HoH_o.


the estimated common quantile.


Mai Zhou


Su, Haiyan; Zhou, Mai and Liang, Hua (2011). Semi-parametric Hybrid Empirical Likelihood Inference for Two Sample Comparison with Censored Data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 17, 533-551.


#### An example of testing the equality of two medians. 
#### No censoring. 
# ROCnp2(t1=rexp(100), d1=rep(1,100), t2=rexp(120), 
#                              d2=rep(1,120), b0=0.5, t0=0.5)
#### This example do not work on the Solaris Sparc machine. 
#### But works fine on other platforms.
#### Next, an example of finding 90 percent confidence 
#### interval of R(0.5)
####  Note: We are finding confidence interval for R(0.5). 
#### So we are testing  
####  R(0.5)= 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.38, etc. try to find 
#### values so that testing R(0.5) = L , U has p-value 
#### of 0.10, then [L,  U] is the 90 percent
####  confidence interval for R(0.5).
#t1 <- rexp(200)
#t2 <- rexp(200)
#ROCnp( t1=t1, d1=rep(1, 200), t2=t2, d2=rep(1, 200), 
#                                b0=0.5, t0=0.5)$"-2LLR"
#### since the -2LLR value is less than  
#### 2.705543 = qchisq(0.9, df=1),  so the 
#### confidence interval contains 0.5.
#gridpoints <- 35:65/100
#ELvalues <- gridpoints
#for(i in 1:31) ELvalues[i] <- ROCnp2(t1=t1, d1=rep(1, 200), 
#      t2=t2, d2=rep(1, 200), b0=gridpoints[i], t0=0.5)$"-2LLR"
#myfun1 <- approxfun(x=gridpoints, y=ELvalues)
#                                interval= c(0.35, 0.5) )
#uniroot(f= function(x){myfun1(x)-2.705543}, 
#                                interval= c(0.5, 0.65) )
#### So, taking the two roots, we see the 90 percent 
#### confidence interval for R(0.5) in this 
#### case is [0.4457862,  0.5907723].

Smallcell Lung Cancer Data


There are 121 observations on 4 variables. Arm is the indication of two treatments. (either C + E or E + C). Entry is the age of the patient at entry. Survival is the survival time and indicator is the censoring indicator (right censoring). For more details please see the reference below.

Data are from Ying, Z., Jung, SH, and Wei, LJ (1995). Median regression analysis with censored data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 178-184.




A data frame containing 121 observations on 4 variables:

[,1] "arm"
[,2] "entry"
[,3] "survival"
[,4] "indicator"


Ying, Z., Jung, SH, and Wei, LJ (1995). Median regression analysis with censored data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 178-184.

Maksymiuk, A. W., Jett, J. R., Earle, J. D., Su, J. Q., Diegert, F. A., Mailliard, J. A., Kardinal, C. G., Krook, J. E., Veeder, M. H., Wiesenfeld, M., Tschetter, L. K., and Levitt, R. (1994). Sequencing and Schedule Effects of Cisplatin Plus Etoposide in Small Cell Lung Cancer Results of a North Central Cancer Treatment Group Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 12, 70-76.

Compute the casewise weighted regression estimator for AFT model


For the AFT model, this function computes the case weighted estimator of beta. Either the least squares estimator or the regression quantile estimator.


WRegEst(x, y, delta, LS=TRUE, tau=0.5)



a matrix of size N by q.


a vector of length N, containing the censored responses. Usually the log of the original observed failure times.


a vector (length N) of either 1's or 0's. d=1 means y is uncensored; d=0 means y is right censored.


a logical value. If TRUE then the function will return the least squares estimator. If FALSE then the function will return the quantile regression estimator, with the quantile level specified by tau.


a scalar, between 0 and 1. The quantile to be used in quantile regression. If tau=0.5 then it is the median regression. If LS=TRUE, then it is ignored.


Due to the readily available minimizer, we only provide least squares and quantile regression here. However, in the companion testing function WRegTest the user can supply a self defined psifun function, corresponding to the general M-estimation in the regression modeling. (since there is no minimization needed).

The estimator is the minimizer of

i=1nwiρ(YiXib)\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \rho (Y_i - X_i b)

Assuming a correlation model

Yi=Xiβ+σ(Xi)ϵiY_i = X_i \beta + \sigma(X_i) \epsilon_i

where ρ()\rho( ) is either the square or the absolute value function.


The estimator β^\hat \beta.


Mai Zhou.


Zhou, M.; Bathke, A. and Kim, M. (2012). Empirical likelihood analysis of the Heteroscastic Accelerated Failure Time model. Statistica Sinica, 22, 295-316.


        y=smallcell[,3], delta=smallcell[,4]) 
#### you should get         x1         x2         x3
####                 -59.22126 -488.41306   16.03259
        y=log10(smallcell[,3]), delta=smallcell[,4], LS=FALSE) 
#### you should get      
####     [1]     2.603342985  -0.263000044  0.003836832

Test the case weighted regression estimator by Empirical Likelihood


Use the empirical likelihood ratio and Wilks theorem to test if the regression coefficient is equal to beta0, by the case weighted estimation method.

The log empirical likelihood been maximized is

d=1logΔF(yi)+d=0log[1F(yi)].\sum_{d=1} \log \Delta F(y_i) + \sum_{d=0} \log [1-F(y_i)].


WRegTest(x, y, delta, beta0, psifun=function(t){t})



a matrix of size N by q. Random design matrix.


a vector of length N, containing the censored responses.


a vector (length N) of either 1's or 0's. delta=1 means y is uncensored; delta=0 means y is right censored.


a vector of length q. The value of the regression coefficient to be tested in the linear model.


the estimating function. The definition of it determines the type of estimator under testing.


The above likelihood should be understood as the likelihood of the censored responses y and delta.

This version can handle the model where beta is a vector (of length q).

The estimation equations used when maximize the empirical likelihood is

0=δiΔF(Yi)Xiψ(YiXiβ0)0 = \sum \delta_i \Delta F(Y_i) X_i \psi( Y_i - X_i \beta0 )

which was described in detail in the reference below.

For median regression (Least Absolute Deviation) estimator, you should define the psifun as +1,1+1, -1 or 00 when tt is >0,<0>0, <0 or =0=0.

For ordinary least squares estimator, psifun should be the identity function psifun <- function(t){t}.


A list with the following components:


the -2 log likelihood ratio; have approximate chisq distribution under H0H_0.


the p-value using the chi-square approximation.


Mai Zhou.


Zhou, M.; Kim, M. and Bathke, A. (2012). Empirical likelihood analysis of the case weighted estimator in heteroscastic AFT model. Statistica Sinica, 22, 295-316.


xx <- c(28,-44,29,30,26,27,22,23,33,16,24,29,24,40,21,31,34,-2,25,19)